Thermo Scientific
TSQ 8000 Evo Preinstallation Requirements Guide
This guide contains detailed information for preparing your site for installing a Thermo
Scientific™ TSQ 8000™ Evo triple-quadrupole mass spectrometer.
About Your System
Thermo Scientific systems provide the highest caliber gas chromatography/mass spectrometry
(GC/MS) instrumentation available on today’s market.
GC/MS represents a combination of two powerful analytical techniques: GC, which acts as a
separation technique, and MS, which acts as a detection technique. Complex mixtures of
individual compounds can be injected into the GC, either manually or by an autosampler and
then separated for presentation to the MS. The MS will generate a mass spectrum of the GC
eluate and its components. The mass spectrum can then be used for qualitative identification
as well as accurate and precise quantification of the individual compounds present in the
A triple-quadrupole GC/MS/MS system provides the extra selectivity required for trace
analysis of compounds in complex matrices.
Hazardous Substances Precautions