Code Development Flow To Increase Performance
When you achieve the desired performance in your code, there is no need to
move to the next step. Each of the steps in the development involve passing
more information to the ’C6000 tools. Even at the final step, development time
is greatly reduced from that of hand-coding, and the performance approaches
the best that can be achieved by hand.
Internal benchmarking efforts at Texas Instruments have shown that most
loops achieve maximal throughput after steps 1 and 2. For loops that do not,
the C/C++ compiler offers a rich set of optimizations that can fine tune all from
the high level C language. For the few loops that need even further optimiza-
tions, the assembly optimizer gives the programmer more flexibility than
C/C++ can offer, works within the framework of C/C++, and is much like pro-
gramming in higher level C. For more information on the assembly optimizer,
see the
TMS320C6000 Optimizing C/C++ Compiler User’s Guide and Chapter
Optimizing Assembly Code via Linear Assembly, in this book.
In order to aid the development process, some feedback is enabled by default
in the code generation tools. Example 1–1 shows output from the compiler
and/or assembly optimizer of a particular loop. The -mw feedback option gen-
erates additional information not shown in Example 1–1, such as a single it-
eration view of the loop.