Other Functions
Figure 20. DSP Busy Warning
Other Functions
Clicking on "About" opens a widow that will display the GUI version.
The IPdig window displays the last address byte of the Ethernet address assigned to the TSW3100 EVM.
The host PC will use this information to communicate with the TSW3100. Click on the Ping button to do a
ping test between the host and the TSW3100. The complete default address is If the last
byte of the TSW3100 Ethernet address is different than this, the value will have to be entered into this
window. Basename is not used
Clicking on the
Expert Mode
button allows the user to do the following functions:
TX EQ plot - Displays the TX equalizer response using default unity. Click on the "EQ Panel" (see
) button to open a new window. Then click on the "TXEQ Plot" button to generate the plot. To
invert the feedback signal spectrum, click on the "invert_eq_fb_flag" box. After doing this, the user must
re-initialize DPD.
DSP CFR Conf - Allows the user to use predefined CFR prototype filters as opposed to using the auto
composite filter generated by the GUI. This is explained in more detail in section 5.7.
Target Config - This window Indicates which target configuration (TGTCFG) file will be loaded into the
GC5325. This window allows the user to load one of two predefined TGTCFG files (11bit or 14bit version)
or custom version by selecting one of the files from the pulldown arrow on the Target Config window This
window is only active if the expert mode is selected and the TgtCfg Flash box is deselected.
TgtCfg Flash box - Do not use.
mod 4 - Do not use.
Figure 21. TXEQ Panel
April 2009
Revised April 2011
GC5325 System Evaluation Kit
2011, Texas Instruments Incorporated