Tempo Communications Inc.
1390 Aspen Way • Vista, CA 92081 USA • 800-642-2155
2.13.4 Path Calc
The PATH CALC menu allows evaluating received signal level (RSL) in dBm. The calculator is adapted for the 300 – 3000
MHz frequency range in the Airscout Spectrum 0.3-3 GHz, for the 2000 – 8000 MHz in the Airscout Spectrum 2-8 GHz, for the
24000 – 40000 MHz in the Airscout Spectrum 24-40 GHz.
The calculated value is an estimation. For more credible results, use a professional link planning tool.
The parameters required for the calculation are:
• transmitter frequency FREQ, in MHz;
• transmitter power TX PWR, in dBm;
• distance between the transmitter and receiver DIST, either in kilometers or miles;
• gain of the transmitter antenna GAIN 1, in dBi;
• gain of the receiver antenna GAIN 2, in dBi;
• (optional) LOSSES value to account for any known additional losses e.g. cables, rain, obstacles, in dB.
The RX LEVEL is recalculated instantly when a parameter’s value is modified.
To select a parameter, tap on it once. The color of the keypad buttons shows which numbers can be entered at the current
digit position to obtain a valid parameter value – the numbers on the
buttons can be entered, the numbers on the
cannot be entered. If the currently entered value is valid, it is displayed in
(also OK button is
). If the value is not valid, it is
displayed in
(also OK button is
). To confirm a valid value, tap the OK button or tap the selected parameter’s box. If the currently
selected parameter is already correct, next/previous parameter can be selected by using the arrow buttons.
The frequency value can be entered with a precision of 0.01 MHz (10 kHz) by using the “.” on the keypad. To input a value
with decimal digits, first enter the full MHz’s, then tap the “.” button and enter the rest of the digits. Until the value is confirmed, the
digits after the point are displayed larger. If there are no digits displayed after the point, it means that they are zeroes.
To exit the parameter submenus, tap BACK. To exit the PATH CALC menu and return to the TOOLS menu, tap BACK.