Tempo Communications Inc.
1390 Aspen Way • Vista, CA 92081 USA • 800-642-2155
2.7.2 ATT*
The ATT submenu allows selecting the internal attenuators. Current internal attenuation is displayed at this menu
and on the right side under the graph. Any additional attenuation raises the noise floor but allows to input stronger signals
(i.e. raises the reference level).
To exit the ATT submenu and return to the LEVEL menu, tap BACK.
The internal attenuation is 0 by default.
Internal attenuation steps
0.3-3 GHz
0 dB 5 dB 10 dB 15 dB 20 dB 25 dB 30 dB
2-8 GHz
0 dB 6 dB 1 0 dB 16 dB 20 dB 26 dB 3 0 dB
* Only Airscout Spectrum 0.3-3 GHz, 2-8 GHz
Entering the REF menu
The REF menu