5–5 Setting-Up Procedures
When power is applied, the model number and software version number of the controller will be displayed for 3.2
seconds, then all of the display segments and LED indicators will light up for 3.2 seconds. After this initial cycle, the
controller will enter normal display mode, showing the process value in the upper display, and the set point value in the
lower display. The upper display will flash continuously in the following cases:
1. while executing autotune program
2. while executing manual mode program
3. to warn that the next parameter is a higher level parameter (as the scroll key is pressed). The warning will remain for
3.2 seconds. If the scroll key is released after this duration elapses, the upper display will show the code of the next
parameter, and the lower display will show its value. Otherwise, it will return to normal display mode.
The upper display will blink for a moment when a new value of a parameter is being written into the non-volatile memory.
The upper display is also used to display error messages if an abnormal condition occurs.
Parameter Definitions
SV—Set Point Value
This parameter is the desired target of the process. It can be adjusted within the range defined by the low scale value
(Lo.SC) and high scale value (hi.SC). The default value is 212°F (100°C).
ASP1—Alarm 1 Set Point Value or Dwell Time
This sets the levels at which alarm 1 will function if A1.SF (alarm 1 special function) is set for an alarm function. If A1.SF
is selected for dwell timer (to.on or to.of), then ASP1 is the timer setting in minutes. The dwell timer starts counting when
the process value reaches the set point value. See sections 5–10 and 5–13 for more details.
RAMP—Ramp Rate
This controls the heating (or cooling) rate of the process. The setting is in degrees per minute. Set this parameter to
zero if no ramp is needed.
OFST—Offset Value for Manual Reset
This parameter will only function if the integral time (TI) is set to zero. OFST is then used to compensate for any
deviation between the process temperature and the set point temperature. If the process temperature stabilizes below
the set point, set a positive value for OFST; if the process temperature stabilizes above the set point, set a negative
value for OFST. Wait for the system to stabilize, then make additional adjustments as needed.
ASP2—Alarm 2 Set Point Value
This sets the levels at which alarm 2 will function if A2.SF is set for an alarm function. If A2.SF is set for cooling, alarm 2
will preform as a cooling output which is governed by CCyC, C.pb, and d-b. ASP2 will then have no effect.
SHIF—Shift Process Value
This value will be added to or subtracted from the process value. This can be used to compensate if the sensor reads a
different temperature than the item being sensed.
PB, TI, and TD—PID Values
Proportional band, Integral (reset) and Derivative (rate) time constants. These must be set as close as possible to the
process application requirements. See section 5–7 for more details.
AHY1, AHY2—Hysteresis Values of Alarm 1 and Alarm 2
These values define the deadbands for the alarms. The alarms will not change state until the temperature is outside the
HYST—Hysteresis Value of On-Off Control
This parameter defines the deadband when on-off control is being used and PID control has been disabled.