Jamming detection (if selected DOUT1)
DOUT1 is ON, while modem is fixing radio frequency jamming. After jamming is over,
DOUT1 is deactivated.
Authorized driving (if selected DOUT2)
DOUT2 is continuously OFF. Dout2 turns ON if Ignition turns ON (configured Ignition Source
=1). After authorizing iButton (iButton ID is read and it matches the ID from the iButton list),
DOUT2 turns OFF. After successful authorization ignition can be turned OFF (configured Ignition
Source =0) for no longer than 30 seconds, otherwise authorization must be repeated.
Immobilizer (if selected DOUT2)
DOUT2 is continuously OFF. Dout2 turns ON if Ignition turns ON (configured
Ignition Source = 1). After iButton ID is read (any iButton is attached), DOUT2 turns OFF. After
iButton identification, ignition can be turned OFF (configured Ignition Source = 0) for no longer
than 30 seconds, otherwise immobilizer must be repeated.
Trip settings
Trip window offers user to configure Trip feature. If Trip is enabled configuration of
parameters are enabled.
Start Speed – GNSS speed has to be greater than the specified Start Speed in order to
detect Trip Start.
Ignition Off Timeout – timeout to wait if ignition was off, to detect Trip stop.
Distance Mode – Between records, Continuous trip or Continuous can be chosen. For this
feature I/O Odometer must be enabled (see Figure 30).
If I/O Odometer is enabled and Distance Mode variable is set to “Continuous trip”,
is going to be counted continuously (
from Trip start to Trip stop
). This value is written
to I/O Odometer value field. When Trip is over and next Trip begins, Odometer value is reset to
zero. When the next trip starts counting continuously starts from the beginning again.
If I/O Odometer is enabled and Distance Mode variable is set “Between records”, then the
distance is going to be counted only between every record made. This value is written to I/O
Odometer value field and reset to zero every new record until Trip stops.
If I/O Odometer is enabled and Distance Mode variable is set “Continuous”,
going to be counted continuously (Starting from trip start, trip distance is saved to flash
Continuous Odometer Value – gives ability to set starting value of the “Continuous” trip.
Remember iButton ID – devices remembers connected iButtons id(While trip is detected)
and sends it to server along with periodical records.
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