The following sub-menu will be displayed:
To modify the required parameter, go to the desired option
and push the
key . A window will pop-up
for you to enter the desired value using the
buttons .
Push the save button
again and exit . Push the
button to exit the menu .
Below you will find a list of the editable parameters:
Protection type
Type of tube for which the oven is
set (up to 6 characters) .
Title mode
Edits the fibre type (up to 10 charac-
ters) .
Heating type
Programming the number of se-
conds the oven will be on . Despite
the operation range being adjusta-
ble in a 10 to 250 second range, pro-
gramming operation durations over
100 seconds is not recommended
(it considerably reduces the oven's
operating lifetime) .
Heating temp.
Sets the maximum heating tempe-
rature . Configurable between 100ºC
and 240ºC .
Sets the minimum oven switch-off
temperature, once the heating time
is over . Configurable between 60º
and 140º .
You are advised not to perform manual programming of
the oven without appropriate technical support . A combi-
nation of excessive temperature and excessive time could
result in oven damage after just a few operations . Keeping
the internal fan "on” (automatic operation) prevents the
oven from reaching excessive temperatures .
4.4 Settings
This option allows you to configure the equipment main
settings .
4.4.1 Splicing settings
This option allows you to configure the machine's beha-
viour during the splicing process .