PRISM MPI2-25 and MPX2-25 Media Analysis Platform User Manual
Message rates:
: Displays the rate of the Announce messages received from
the master. Typical values are 1 to 4 messages a second but a wide
range is allowed by some profiles. If the value is lower than expected
then it may indicate a problem in the network or the master.
: Displays the rate of the Sync messages received from the master.
Typical values are 1 to 16 messages a second, but some profiles allow
much higher rates. If the value is lower than expected then it may
indicate a problem in the network or the master.
Delay Request
: Displays the rate of the Delay Request messages sent
by the slave. In multi-cast mode, the Delay Request rate is required to
be set in response to a field in the Delay Response message from the
master. Typically the master will set this field such that the Delay
Request message rate is equal to the Sync message rate.
For SMPTE mixed mode, PRISM sets the delay Request rate equal
to the Sync message rate received from the master.
Delay Response
: Displays the rate of the Delay Response messages
received from the master. Each Delay Request should have a matching
Delay Response, so if the value is lower than expected then it may
indicate a problem in the network or the master
NMOS tab display
Select the NMOS tab to view the registration server information, server list and
the last SDP file received. (See
Figure 144
Figure 144: IP Session application – NMOS tab display