Wayfinder DVL Guide
P/N 95P-6001-00 (October 2020)
EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.
Page 7
X Y Axis Alignment
TRDI recommends mounting the Wayfinder with the alignment line facing forward on the vessel. This
makes Beam 3 (instrument Y-axis) rotated 45° relative to the vehicle forward axis. This causes the magni-
tude of the signal in each beam to be about the same. This improves error rejection and increases the
Wayfinder’s effective velocity range by a factor of 1.4. Any significant misalignment in mounting may re-
quire post-processing to align the reference frames.
However, on some vehicles that operate at regular times close to vertical surfaces, it is desirable to mount
the Wayfinder with Beam 3 in-line to the vehicle axis. See
For vehicles that routinely dive and raise in the water-column, it again may be desirable to mount the
Wayfinder with Beam 3 in-line to the vehicle axis so that as the vehicle pitches down and up, 15 to 20 de-
grees, at least 3 beams are tracking the bottom.
Note that tight mounting requirements next to bulkheads may require rotating the Wayfinder to prevent