CTD-ES and CTD-ER Technical Manual
95F-6001-00 (February 2017)
page 47
EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.
APPENDIX A: Measured and Calculated
Conductivity, temperature, and pressure are measured directly by the CTD-E. In addition, the
instrument calculates salinity and sound
velocity. Any number of the parameters can be se-
lected to output. The time and date on which the parameters are output can also be included
with each sample. When acquiring data in any of the real-time operating modes, CTDAcq
calculates additional parameters from the measured parameters. Any number of the meas-
ured and calculated parameters, including those calculated by CTDAcq during real-time
data acquisition can be displayed and saved to a file.
Each parameter, except for time and date, has a corresponding abbreviation in the Parameter
drop down list box of the Graph Setup dialog box shown in Figure 16, and in the Color Parame-
ter drop down list box in each of the Pressure Graph Setup dialog boxes, where one is shown in
Figure 19. An abbreviation with an asterisk (*) represents a parameter that is calculated by
CTDAcq. The abbreviations are in parenthesis for each parameter listed below.
Parameters Measured by the Instrument
The parameters directly measured by the CTD-E are the following:
Conductivity (COND):
The measured water conductivity in mmho/cm.
Temperature (TEMP):
The measured water temperature in °C.
Pressure (PRES):
The measured water pressure in dbars.
Parameters Calculated by the Instrument
The parameters calculated by the CTD-E are following:
Salinity (SAL):
The seawater salinity in accordance to PSS78 (Practi-
cal Salinity Scale 1978).
Sound Velocity (SV):
The sound velocity in water in m/sec.
Time and date:
The time in hours, minutes and seconds, and the date
in month, day and year on which the selected param-
eters are output for each sample.