To assure measurement accuracy, several basic instrument
parameters should be checked occasionally and, if necessary,
adjusted to meet specifications. These are readily accessible as
screwdriver adjustments on the instrument side panel. The
following provides brief calibration information for these external
adjustments. The operator should be familiar with the instrument's
operation before attempting to make these adjustments.
Vertical Gain
Connect the CH 1 probe tip to an accurate 0.2 volt source (such
as a TEKTRONIX 067-0502-01 Standard Amplitude Calibrator). Set
the VOLTS/DIV switch to 50 m and set the VERT GAIN adjustment
for exactly four divisions of deflection.
Step Attenuator Balance
CH 1: Obtain a free-running trace with no signal applied to the
vertical channel input and CH 2 POSition control set to the OFF
detent. While switching the appropriate VOLTS/DIV switch between
50 m and 1 m, adjust the CH 1 STEP ATTEN BAL for minimum
trace shift between adjacent positions.
212 Operators Handbook