Horizontal Sweep Rate
The SEC/DIV switch provides 16 calibrated sweep rates ranging
from 500 milliseconds to five microseconds/division (HORIZ MAG
control set to CAL). The HORIZ MAG control provides continuously
variable sweep magnification to at least five times the sweep rate
indicated by the SEC/DIV switch.
When making time measurements from the graticule, the area
between the first-division and ninth-division vertical lines provides
the most linear measurement. Therefore, the first and last division
of the display should not be used for making accurate time
measurements. Position the start of the timing area to the first-
division vertical line and set the SEC/DIV switch so the end of the
timing area falls between the first- and ninth-division vertical lines.
X-Y Operation
In some applications, it is desirable to display one signal versus
another signal (X-Y) rather than against time (internal sweep). The
X-Y position of the SEC/DIV switch provides a means for this type of
operation. In this position the Y (vertical) signal is connected to the
input of CH 2; the X (horizontal) signal is applied to the input of CH
1 and has a deflection range from less than one millivolt to 50
volts/division at a reduced bandwidth of 50 kilohertz.
Since the X and Y channels of this instrument are not time
matched, some inherent phase shift can be expected in the display.
Take this phase shift into consideration when making
measurements in the X-Y mode.
212 Operators Handbook