Instruction Manual
Tek-LCD 7801C
Technology Solutions
The top line, for each input, shows the slot # and input location (2b = slot #2, second input
from the left). It also shows the actual current input.
The next line shows the input type and # (AI
-2) with the default tag, which can be changed at
any time.
Filter*: Select filter time.
Bypass: If the signal change is greater than the bypass value, the reading jumps to the
actual value. The bypass value is in % of full scale.
Glitch Filter: Eliminates short duration noise spikes.
Break Below: Set the mA value at which a break is reported to the system.
Disable Input Channel: This turns off the power to the input, but the settings are saved
for future use. This should only be used to save power on unused inputs.
more filtering: If you need a more stable reading, select IIR 16 sec or IIR32 sec setting.
Setup Pulse Inputs
The top line, for each input, shows the slot # and input location (1a = slot #1, first input from
the left). It also shows the actual frequency, state of the input, and the number of pulses
received since power up, to a maximum of 8,388,607.
The next line shows the input type and # (PI
-1) with the default tag, which can be changed at
any time.
Type: Select the pulse input type.
Low Gate: this is the time window used to calculate and update the rate.
High Gate: This is the time window used to calculate slow rates before the rate goes to
Low Speed: This setting is used as a de-bounce filter for contact closure or switch inputs.
*Note: Threshold is the vo
ltage level at which a transition from high to low is detected. For example, the “Active
1.2V Thrshld” setting will detect a square wave signal when it falls below 1.2 V.