Copyright © D 369 -10/00
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Error Displayed
Description of Error
Messages (1 of 3)
The control was unable to store a piece of information into its EEPROM. This error can be caused by
a noisy power source. The control will display the error message and will continue to operate as normal.
Pressing either the Menu or item button will clear this error.
The control was unable to read a piece of information stored in the Adjust Menu. Because of this, the
control was required to load the factory settings into all of the items in the Adjust menu. The control
will stop operation until all of the items available in the Adjust menu of the control have been checked
by the user or installer.
Access level must be ADV in order to clear the error.
The control was unable to read a piece of information stored in the Monitor Menu. Because of this, the
control was required to load the factory settings into all of the items in the Monitor menu. The control
will continue to display the error message until all of the items available in the Monitor menu of the
control have been checked by the user or installer.
Access level must be ADV in order to clear the error.
The control was unable to read a piece of information stored in the Schedule Menu. Because of this,
the control was required to load the factory settings into all of the items in the Schedule menu. The
control will continue to display the error message until all of the items available in the Schedule menu
of the control have been checked by the user or installer.
Access level must be ADV in order to clear the error.
The control was unable to read a piece of information stored in the Miscellaneous Menu. Because of
this, the control was required to load the factory settings into all of the items in the Miscellaneous menu.
The control will continue to display the error message until all of the items available in the Miscellaneous
menu of the control have been checked by the user or installer.
Access level must be ADV in order to clear the error.
Isolate the
Test the Contacts
Voltages &
Monitor the
Isolate the problem between the control and the system. Now that the sequence of operation is known
and the system is sketched, is the control operating the proper pumps and valves at the correct times?
Is the control receiving the correct signals from the system as to when it should be operating? Are the
proper items selected in the menus of the control for the device that is to be operated?
Test the contacts, voltages and sensors. Using a multimeter, ensure that the control is receiving
adequate voltage to the power terminals as noted in the technical data. Use the multimeter to determine
if the internal contacts on the control are opening and closing correctly. Follow the instructions in the
Testing the Wiring section to simulate closed contacts on the terminal blocks as required. Test the
sensors and their wiring as described in the sensor Data Brochures.
Monitor the system over a period of time. Select the applicable items in the Monitor menu of the control
and reset them to zero. Allow the system and the control to operate over a known period of time and then
record the Monitor items. Use this information to help diagnose any remaining problems.
- 01/09
- 01/09