Series1 Carburetors
Series 1 carburetors are used on some 4 - 7 model
overhead valve engines. This float style carburetor
has a smaller venturi than the Series 3 or 4 carburetor
and has no bosses on each side of the idle mixture
screw. The main and idle mixture may be fixed or
adjustable. A remote primer or choke may also be
used with this carburetor (diag. 8).
Series 3 & Series 4 Carburetors
Series 3 or 4 carburetors are generally used on 8
through 14 model 4-cycle engines. The quickest way
to identify these carburetors is by the presence of
bosses on each side of the idle mixture screw (diag.
To determine whether the carburetor is a Series 3 or
Series 4, look at the throttle end of the carburetor.
Series 3 will have one throttle plate screw (diag. 10).
The Series 4 will have two throttle plate screws (diag.
Series 7
Series 7 carburetors are totally nonadjustable. The
die cast carburetor body is similar in appearance
and slightly longer than the Walbro LMK body. The
choke shaft is made of a plastic material with an
internal slot to hold the choke shutter. The carburetor
base is flat to accept a Vector style bowl that is held
on with a wire bail. (diag. 13)
Series 6 Carburetors
Series 6 carburetors are used on 2 and 4-cycle
engines in the 3 to 6 model range. Series 6 uses a
simple fixed idle and fixed main fuel circuit. Series 6
carburetors are commonly used on rotary mower
applications. Series 6 are nonadjustable, with a
stepped primer bulb and a bowl prime system (diag.