ORYX202 ORYX204 ORYX208 Conventional Fire Panels
PRMAN-0047 ORYX200 S21 Fire Panel Range Rev 02.00 220224.docx
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The Fault relay is normally activated. It will de-energise on any fault condition including total loss of power
(fail safe).
Relay outputs 1 & 2 (2 zone); 1, 2, 3 & 4 (4 zone) and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8 (8 zone) are assigned as default
to activate on fire alarms from the respective zones. Using the SOLAR software, these relays may be
programmed to activate on other functions (see 3.1.2 Relays on page 35).
Figure 25
Relay Outputs (ORYX204 shown)
When using the potential free relay contacts of the panel outputs to power larger relays, it is extremely
important to protect against Flyback damage. Flyback from an unprotected relay can be high enough to
spark over the panel's relay contacts onto its coil and then damaging the CPU. Flyback voltage is not
created when the external relay is energised but created as soon as the relay is de-energised. Using the
TEC031 range of relay solutions may help prevent this.
Two inputs are provided which have been pre-programmed as shown below. Using the SOLAR software,
these inputs may be programmed to activate on other functions (see 3.1.4 Inputs on page 37):
– External Fault
– Mute ( Silences the Buzzer and Sounders)
EOL = 3k3 , Active Resistance = 220
– 900 Ω
Each input circuit is individually monitored for Short Circuit, Low Resistance, Active, Double End-of-Line,
Normal and Open Circuit Conditions. The 3k3 resistor provided must be connected across the -ve and +ve
terminal of the last device installed on that input circuit