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HD Series Manual
Have a qualified electrician attach 220 Volts to
the terminal on the bottom of the box (Fig 1.4.)
Unless specifically requested by the user,
3 Phase 220 Volt is needed.
If the machine has been modified for single
phase operation, then L1, L3 and GND are
used, and nothing is attached to L2.
Fig. 1.4
If the machine has a vacuum table, the
Vacuum Pump should be wired to 220V or
440V (depending on what is specified on the
Unit,) by a qualified Electrician.
(Fig 1.5a)
Fig. 1.5a
Fig. 1.5b
Fig. 1.5c
The starter box will have a round silver
connector attached to a grey cable coming out
of it, (Fig 1.5b).
This connector plugs into the socket on the side
of the machine, (Fig 1.5c).
This cable provides 220 volts to the starter coil
to turn on the vacuum.