4.3 Counter
If one of the counters overflow, this condition is indicated at the right of the partial totalizer. If
none of the counters has overflowed then this part of the display is blank. When one of the
counters overflows then the display will show “A/B”, where “A” is the number of times that
the partial counter has overflowed and “B” is the number of times the total counter has
overflowed. The digit that indicates the number of times the counter has overflowed can be
effectively placed in front of the digits of the counter to give an extra digit. If a counter
overflows more than 9 times then the digit will be shown as “X”.
If the partial counter overflows and the total counter does not, and then the partial counter is
reset, the display will then go blank again. The overflow indication of the partial counter is
reset when this counter is reset.
In the above screen the total counter is shown as having overflowed once (this would be
equivalent to a count of 10002501) and the partial counter as having overflowed eight times
(this would be equivalent to a count of 810288).
The battery has a life time of about 5 years. When the instrument detects that the battery
should be replaced, it shows a battery icon on the screen.
To change the battery, the plastic front cover must be removed. Then the battery, that is
situated below the push buttons, can be replaced.
After replacing the battery, it is not necessary to reprogram the pulse per litre factor of the
CR2450 batteries are easily found in the shops. If you prefer, we can change it in our factory.
Measurement error correction
The calibration of the mechanical flowmeters is made with water at 20ºC. If a liquid of other
characteristics from the above specified is used, or for reasons of turbulences in the flow,
measurement errors can be induced.