© TDT GmbH
Chapter 5: Network Configuration
Seite 46 von 136
Network address
Enter the IP address of you network here
Enter the netmask of you network here
Address ranges
Here you can define the range within which your IP addresses
should be automatically assigned (1-254)
Dynamic BOOTP?
Activates the dynamic BOOTP (bootstrap protocol), which is a
predecessor version of DHCP
Shared network
Selection of the subnet, which use a common physical network
Boot filename
When using BOOTP the name of the boot image file needs to be
defined here..
Boot file server
When using BOOTP you can decide here if the router should
directly receive BOOTP requests, or if they should be diverted to
another server.
Lease length for BOOTP
Allocation length for BOOTP clients in seconds
Dynamic DNS enabled?
Enables the assignment of host names to dynamic IP addresses
Dynamic DNS reverse
With the help of Domain Name Systems (DNS) it will be
attempted to remove a domain name corresponding to the
entered IP address.
Allow unknown clients?
Unknown clients should be allowed to connect to the DHCP
server or not be allocate an IP address
Hosts directly in this subnet
Groups, which are found direct in the subnet
Default lease time
The validity time in minutes of the clients allocated DHCP
Maximum lease time
Value of the maximum validity time of the allocated DHCP
Server name
Name of the DHCP server
Lease end for BOOTP
The value defines the time at which all BOOTP entries will be
deleted. The default value is never. The time must be entered
using the following format W YYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS
(W=Weekday 0=Sunday to 6=Saturday, YYYY=year, MM=month,
DD=day, HH=hours, MM=minutes, SS=seconds)
Dynamic DNS domain name
Declaration of the domain names, which is appended to the host
e.g.: testhost.M3000
Dynamic DNS hostname
This value defines whether the client will assume the host name
or if it uses a fixed host name
5.5 DNS Server Update
DNS Server Update runs an update to a defined DNS Server using »DynDNS«.
DynDNS or DDNS (Dynamic Domain Name System) is a system, which can actualize domain name
entries in real-
time. Thereby it’s always possible to communicate with a unit possessing a dynamic IP
address using the same DNS name.
DNS server IP address
DNS Servers IP adress