2800 Laura Lane • Middleton, WI 53562 | 800.288.9383 | www.tcsbasys.com
Occupancy Setpoints
Occupancy Setpoints work in conjunction with Schedule Settings to determine when heating and cooling takes place on a
given day. TCS recommends setting up occupancy setpoint parameters before creating occupancy schedules.
The UbiquiSTAT has a total of five heating and cooling occupancy setpoint pairs: four for occupied status, and one for
unoccupied status. Access the occupancy setpoint parameters by touching the SETPOINTS button in the Settings display.
Setpoint pairs are in effect when their corresponding schedules are active. To adjust an occupancy pair, touch the
Occupancy Setpoint button you wish to adjust and use the up/down arrows to change its heating or cooling setpoints.
Occupancy Setpoints Screen
Heating and Cooling Setpoints Example
While the minimum “deadband” between heat and cool setpoints is set to five degrees by default, TCS
recommends a deadband of at least two degrees for most conditions.
Schedule Settings
Before creating occupancy schedules, make sure you have configured your desired occupancy setpoint pairs, as you must
assign a setpoint pair to each schedule setting. While all UbiquiSTAT models allow you to configure weekly schedules
from the touchscreen, holiday schedule settings are only available on wired models (4010, 4020, 4040, 4050). To create
holiday schedules on wireless models (4110, 4120, 4140, 4150), use Ubiquity Cloud or TCS Insight software.
Regardless of which schedule settings you use, the UbiquiSTAT will automatically default to Unoccupied mode and begin
using the Unoccupied setpoints at midnight each day. If no subsequent schedule changes are made for that day, the
UbiquiSTAT will remain in Unoccupied mode until the next schedule change. If you need to create a schedule that requires
an Occupied mode to begin at midnight, you must create a schedule change for 12:00 AM in order to override the default.
Access the schedule settings by touching the SCHEDULE button in the Settings display, then selecting between weekly
and holiday schedules.(On wireless models, touching the SCHEDULE button in the Settings display will take you directly to
the Occupancy Schedule screen).
Schedule Settings Selection: Weekly or Holiday