2800 Laura Lane • Middleton, WI 53562 | 800.288.9383 | www.tcsbasys.com
Outdoor Air Sensor Calibration Screen
The UbiquiSTAT will display a default temperature of 160°F if no sensor is detected.
Factory Defaults
Touching the FACTORY DEFAULTS button on the ADVANCED 2/2 display will bring up a warning message advising you
that loading the factory defaults will reset any programming changes you have made. Press the
LOAD button to confirm
your desire to reset the UbiquiSTAT
(this cannot be undone). You will then return to the INITIAL SETUP screen at the
beginning of the Startup Wizard (refer to the
Load Factory Default Warning Screen
Initial Setup Screen
Internal BACnet Explorer
Touching the INTERNAL BACNET EXPLORER button on the ADVANCED 2/2 display opens up the Internal BACnet Explorer.
Use of the Internal BACnet Explorer is beyond the scope of this Configuration Guide. Refer to the
for information on editing the UbiquiSTAT’s BACnet programming objects.
Internal BACnet Explorer Screen