2800 Laura Lane • Middleton, WI 53562 | 800.288.9383 | www.tcsbasys.com
Thermostat Type
Touching the THERMOSTAT TYPE button on the ADVANCED 1/2 display allows you to specify whether the UbiquiSTAT is
controlling a conventional HVAC system or a heat pump system.
Thermostat Type Selection Screen
Analog Outputs
Touching the ANALOG OUTPUTS button on the ADVANCED 1/2 display allows you to configure either of the UbiquiSTAT’s
Analog output ports for HVAC mode, the type of you action you wish to assign to the port, and the range.
Analog Output Programming Screen
Analog Output Configuration Screen
Display Settings
Touching the DISPLAY button on the ADVANCED 1/2 display allows you to configure the display’s temperature units, clock
duration, and the brightness (backlighting) the screen will use when it is active (the screen automatically dims after 10
minutes of inactivity.)
Display Settings Screen