2800 Laura Lane • Middleton, WI 53562 | 800.288.9383 | www.tcsbasys.com
Inputs for Mixed Air and CO
are only available on
Input for Humidity is only available on
Relay Outputs:
The current state of heating, cooling, and fan operation.
Advanced Screen
Status Section Network Screen Example
Status Section Advanced Screen Example
The ADVANCED screen displays the following information:
Operating Modes:
Whether the UbiquiSTAT is in conventional HVAC or heat pump mode, system status, and fan operation
Digital Inputs:
Status of DI1, DI2, and DI3 inputs
Whether the Economizer feature is enabled, if free cooling is available, and whether Freeze
Protect is active.
Analog Inputs and Outputs:
Signal values of analog inputs AI1 and AI2, and analog outputs AO1 and AO2 are shown.
Network Screen
The NETWORK screen displays the following information:
RS-485 Settings:
Shows which communication mode is selected: the device name, ID number, device address, and
the selected baud rate
RS-485 Status: Indicates the link status,activity, and traffic specifics. Touch the CLEAR button to update the status
Indicates any USB activity and whether the network override has been activated
WI-Fi Status: (Wireless models only) Touching the Wi-Fi Status button brings up a screen displaying all Wi-Fi settings
at a glance. Touch the CLEAR button to update the status
Wi-Fi Status Subsection Screen