Solo Innova Instructions 1-800-782-9927 Version 01-18
Tarm Biomass · 4 Britton Lane · Lyme, NH 03768
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Moisture %
Product Description and Requirements for Safe Operation > Fuels
Page 7
Fig 2.2
This chart shows how many Btu’s are lost by burning fuel with higher moisture content. We
recommend fuel with a moisture content of 20% or less.
The Solo Innova is made to burn natural
. Both hardwood and softwood are suitable, but oak
should not be burned as the only source of wood for long periods because of its high acid content.
For effective gasification, the wood must be dry, i.e. moisture content
. In addition to increas-
ing the likelihood of generating creosote in the boiler, burning wet wood uses a substantial amount of
the wood energy to evaporate the water present in the wood, reducing the available energy for heat
(Fig 2.2)
The wood will dry out most quickly if it is cut into the appropriate length and split into pieces 4”-
5” (100-120mm) thick. The best length is 20” (0.5 m) for the Solo Innova 30 and 50. The wood is best
stored in the open air under cover. Wood will dry most quickly if it is carefully stacked alternatively
lengthwise and crosswise so that air can penetrate into the stack. Ideally the wood should be stored for
at least one and a half years (two summer seasons). Do not burn small pieces of wood or wood chips
in the boiler as they can block the combustion slot. Also, it can be difficult to control the combustion
process effectively with small wood pieces and chips.
If a fan is used in the fuel storage area, it should be installed so as not to create negative
pressures in the room where the solid-fuel burning appliance is located.