If the electrical power to the water softener is interrupted, the time display
is blank, but the ‘memory’ built into the electronics will keep the correct time
for up to 48 hours.
The water softener will not regenerate but will pass softened water. In the
case of a power cut your demand for water will be less as most appliances
will not work and so a recharge should not be necessary. When electrical
power is returned, one of two things will happen:
1 Power off up to 48 hours
The display returns and is steady. No operation is necessary.
2 Power off over 48 hours
The display returns and flashes. Only the time requires re-setting. The hardness
and regeneration time will not have been lost as they are stored. Even if the
time is incorrect after a certain period, the water softener will continue to
work but will regenerate at what it believes the time to be. Re-set the time as
described in the Programming Section (see page 11).
Should an error code appear …
Check electrical connections are as per configuration on page 9.
Unplug transformer.
Check direct connections.
Replug transformer.
Wait for 6 minutes. If the error code is rectified, the error code will
not re-appear.
Softener may regenerate immediately following a cleared error code.
Because it has no historical data to base its logic on, your water softener
will regenerate quite frequently when first used to ensure continuous softened
water. Within a few months it will settle into a more regular pattern.
Because your Automatic Demand water softener uses proportional brining,
more frequent regenerations are not at the expense of high salt usage.
However, if you are a low water using household you will find after a few
months that your water softener will become increasingly efficient, as it
adapts to suit your water usage.
If you have people to stay and use more water than normal, you will find
that your Automatic Demand water softener regenerates more frequently.
As your household water usage returns to normal, so too will the
regeneration frequency.
User Information
Please Remember
– Only use Tablet or Pellet Salt in Your Softener!