Main Valves’ Constants
Defining the way main valves will be
operated: open without delay, open before
or after the irrigation valves.
When the main valve opens before, it will
shut down after the valves, and vice versa.
Irrigation lines constants
High/ Low flow delay
When the line filling delay is over, the system
starts checking the flow to be within the
specified limits. High flow or low flow violations
will be reacted upon, only if they last the
specified delay.
Water Leakage limit
Pulses received from the water meter of the
irrigation line while it is supposed to be closed,
are considered illegal and when exceeding the
limit will indicate a water leakage. The possible
reaction can be selected as shown below. If
the limit is not reached the illegal pulses
counter is cleared every 30 minutes.
Line name
By default, irrigation lines are numerated 1,2,3
etc…however the user can change the line
numbers to any number between 1 to 999.
The screen to the right is a
continuation of the
It enables selection of the desired
reactions to high flow or low flow