- 14 -
Group 1
Display ON
Blink in green
Mode switch
: [1]
UP/DOWN switch : UP
Mode switch
: [1]
UP/DOWN switch : UP
Mode switch
: [1]
UP/DOWN switch : UP
Mode switch
: [1]
UP/DOWN switch : UP
Group 2
Display ON
Blink in green (quick)
Group C
Display ON
Blink in orange
Group 1
Display OFF
Blink in green
Group D
Display ON
Blink in orange (quick)
Factory deafult
Blink in red
Mode switch
: [1]
UP/DOWN switch : UP
Mode switch
: [1]
UP/DOWN switch : DOWN
MENU Nondisplay
Fig. 6-1 Flowchart of operation mode
6. How to Change Setting
(6-1) How to set shutter speed
The shutter speed is determined mainly by the setting positions of the shutter switch from “0” to “9”.
Table 6-1 Setting value of shutter speed
Position of shutter switch
High speed shutter
Low speed shutter (continuous)
No shutter (continuous)
1/ 9 second
1/ 9.0 second
1/13000 second
1/4.5 second
1/ 4000 second
( 4H)
1/3.0 second
1/ 2000 second
( 9H)
1/2.3 second
1/1000 second
1/1.8 second
1/ 500 second
1/1.5 second
1/ 250 second
1/1.3 second
1/ 120 second
1/1.1 second
1/ 60 second
1/1.0 second
1/ 30 second
1/0.9 second
Pulse width control / asynchronous (!)
(Note) (H) and (V) in the table represent the horizontal time unit and the vertical time (frame duration) unit respectively.
(Note) ”No shutter” in the table means the continuous shutter mode with exposure time = 1 frame period.
(Note) The value of each shutter speed is the factory default value. The shutter speed of each position (excluding shutter
position = 0) is possible to change by the user in the operation mode [Group 1].
(!) As for this camera, it must be set to be “Pulse width control (PWC) = ENABLED” for implementing “Pulse width control
/asynchronous” shutter operation .
When it is set to be “Pulse width control (PWC) = DISABLED” (default), the selection can be made out of the 9 levels
not only for the continuous shutter operation but also for the asynchronous shutter operation.
(6-2) How to set operation mode
The setting items of the operation modes are divided into 4 groups of Group 1, Group 2, Group C and Group D as follows:
Group 1 ············· These are mainly used for setting the basic functions (shutter speed
change, gain change etc.). Set the mode switch to the position
corresponding to the item to be changed and then manipulate
UP/DOWN switch to change the setting.
Group 2 ············· These are mainly used for setting the auxiliary function (gain
correction setting). Set the mode switch to the position
corresponding to the item to be changed and then manipulate
UP/DOWN switch to change the
Group C and D ····· These are mainly used for setting the
configuration items (Terminology below).
Set the mode switch to the position
corresponding to the item to be changed and then
manipulate UP/DOWN switch to change the setting.
(Note) When any setting item is changed, it must be saved in one of
the program pages from “A” to “F” before turning off the power to store the data in the memory of the camera.
Carefully note that the new setting is not automatically saved and that the prior setting will be effective at the next
time of power-on if the power is turned off before storing it. The configuration items, however, are automatically
saved whenever they are changed.
[Terminology] Configuration items ···· They are the common setting items that are independent of the program pages.
These items are automatically saved in the internal EEPROM at the same time as
they are changed by manipulating the switches on the rear panel.