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The SRC devices are configured to operate in different modes via the configuration parameters
accessible through the maintenance mode.
To enter the maintenance mode click the COG WHEEL icon in the FURTHER SETTINGS SCREEN
and enter the maintenance mode password (default 6666).
NOTE:The maintenance mode password can be changed in the configuration settings. Make
sure that you note the new password if changed. If the Maintenance Code is set as 0000, the
Maintenance Code entry screen is bypassed (i.e. no protection).
NOTE:It is good practice to reset the device after the configuration has been completed. Soft
reset is automatically carried out after entering and exiting System configuration menu, or
alternative power cycle the device.
Parameter Name
Nominal SP
Nominal Setpoint (Temperature Control)
0.0...95.0°C/°F (Default 21.0°C)
Heating Deadzone in COMFORT mode
0.0...25.0°C/°F (Default 0.5°C)
Cooling Deadzone in COMFORT mode
0.0...25.0°C/°F (Default 0.5°C)
Heating DZ ECO
Heating Deadzone in ECO Mode
0.0...25.0°C/°F (Default 4.0°C)
Cooling DZ ECO
Cooling Deadzone in ECO Mode
0.0...25.0°C/°F (Default 4.0°C)
Frost SP
Night Frost Setpoint (OFF Mode)
0.0...95.0°C/°F (Default 8.0°C)
Setpoint Adj. Max.
Temperature Setpoint Maximum Adjustment
0.0...20°C/°F (Default 3.0)
Setpoint Adj. Min.
Temperature Setpoint Minimum Adjustment
-20.0...0°C/°F (Default -3.0)
Temperature Control Proportional Ban
1.0..50.0 °C/°F (Default 4.0)
Integral Action time of the temperature control loop.
Set to 0 to disable.
0..1,200 seconds (Default 600s)
Heating Stages
Number of Heating Stages
0 = None
1 = 1-Stage (Default)
2 = 2-Stages
Heating Stage 1 Dir.
Heating Stage 1 Direction
0 = Reverse (Default)
1 = Direct
Heating Stage 2 Dir.
Heating Stage 2 Direction
0 = Reverse (Default)
1 = Direct
Cooling Stages
Number of Cooling Stages
0 = None
1 = 1-Stage (Default)
2 = 2-Stages
Cooling Stage 1 Dir.
Cooling Stage 1 Direction
0 = Reverse
1 = Direct (Default)
Cooling Stage 2 Dir.
Cooling Stage 2 Direction
0 = Reverse
1 = Direct (Default)
Aux. SP
Auxiliary Heating Control Loop Setpoint
0.0...95.0°C/°F (Default 21.0°C)
Aux. PB
Auxiliary Heating Control Loop Proportional Band
1.0..50.0 °C/°F (Default 4.0)
Aux. IA
Auxiliary Heating Control Loop Integral Action
0..1,200 seconds (Default 600s)
Aux Dir.
Auxiliary Control Loop Actuator Direction (actuator
direction, Direct = 0..100%, Reverse = 100..0%)
0 = Reverse Acting
1 = Direct Default)
CO2 Setpoint
0..5000ppm (Default 1,000 ppm)
CO2 Proportional Band
10..5000 ppm (Default = 300 ppm)
Integral Action time of the CO2 control loop. Set to 0
to disable.
0..10,000 seconds (Default 0)
Humidity SP
Humidity Setpoint
0.0...100.0 %rH (Default 50%)
Humidity PB
Humidity Proportional Band
0.1...100.0 %rH (Default 20.0%)
Humidity IA
Integral Action time of the humidity control loop. Set
to 0 to disable.
0..10,000 seconds (Default 0)
Limit High
High Limit Setpoint; High Limit Control
0.0..95.0°C/°F (Default 35.0°C)
Limit Low
Low Limit Setpoint; Low Limit Control
0.0..95.0°C/°F (Default 16.0°C)
Limit Ratio
Low/High Limit Ratio
Note: 0.0 setting disables the reset control.
0.0..5.0 (0.0=Disabled, Default)
Changeover Low
Low Limit where the SRC Automatically Switches to
Cooling Mode (Cold water supplied)
0.0..95.0°C/°F (Default 20.0°C)
Changeover High
High Limit where the SRC Automatically Switches to
Heating Mode Mode (Hot water supplied)
0.0..95.0°C/°F (Default 25.0°C)