3. Place the cursor at the title field. Twist the Joystick to enter the title edit mode. Follow the
procedure of the auto scan above to edit titles.
4. To turn the stored zone On or Off, twist the Joystick handle or press Tele or Wide Key.
5. Set the method, “BLOCK” or “V.OFF (video off)”
6. Select the Save option by pushing the Joystick up or down. Save and exit the program by
twist the Joystick. Press ESC or select the Cancel to exit the program without saving.
Place the cursor at the X field, twist the Joystick to delete programmed privacy zone.
3.15 Time & Date Setup
Set the Time, Date, Time Type and Date Type on this menu
: Use Joystick (Keyboard) to change the time.
Date : Use Joystick (Keyboard) to change the Date.
Time Type : Supports two formats. (12hours, 24hours)
Date Type : Supports three formats. (YYYY/MM/DD, MM/DD/YYYY, DD/MM/YYYY)