Event Time : Set the event time.
Set Point
: Set the abandon box.
: Remove the abandon box.
Follow steps below to set the Absent :
1. Set the min size of the enter object and set the max size.
2. Select the event time.
3. Select the “Set Point” then draw a box for two point.
4. Select the Exit (with saving) and push the Joystick to the right. Press ESC to exit the program
without saving.
Note : There might be malfunction of Absent for the following cases:
- The object brightness is almost identical to the background luminance
- When the objects are either large or small in comparison to the preconfigured
Object size
- Environments where there is strong direct/indirect light shining onto the object or
- The absent object is not fixed.
3.6 Shortcut of Preset Program
After selecting the desired scene, press No. (1 to 240), and press CTRL and PRST subsequently.
The current view will be stored to the selected preset number if the preset number is empty. If
selected preset number is not empty, “Do you want to overwrite preset?” message will be
displayed on the monitor and select the “OK” and push the Joystick to the right to overwrite.
Example: 1 , 0 , 1 + CTRL + PRST will store current view as preset No. 101. In this case, focus
will be programmed as Auto, dwell time will be set to 3 second, and the current AE mode will be