Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd
SMG-C Series Analog Gateway User Manual (Version 1.7.1)
Page 9
b) Perform the hook-flash operation again without hanging up the call to recover the talk
with Remote A.
Once Station recovers the call with Remote A, it can forward the call again by a new hook-flash
Situation 2: Automatic call forward
Go to the port setting interface to enable the automatic call forward feature and fill in a forward
number. According to what you set, the SMG analog gateway can automatically forward the
incoming calls on three conditions: unconditional, busy, no reply. Note that this feature is
applicable only to a single port, but not to a port group consisting of more than one port. Refer to
for detailed instructions.
Special Instructions:
The chassis of the SMG-C analog gateway must be grounded for safety reasons,
according to standard industry requirements. A simple way is earthing with the third pin
on the plug or the grounding studs on the machine. No or improper grounding may cause
instability in operation as well as decrease in lightning resistance.
As the device will gradually heat up while being used, please maintain good ventilation to
prevent sudden failure, ensuring that the ventilation holes (see Figure 1-6) are never
During runtime, if the alarm indicator lights up or flashes, it indicates that the device goes
abnormal. If you cannot figure out and solve the problem by yourself, please contact our
technicians for help. Otherwise it may lead to a drop in performance or unexpected