1. PCI/PCIe TFP Hardware
5. Set the full-height front panel aside and pick up the low-profile front panel.
6. Secure the GPS RF connector loosely to the front panel with its nut and washers.
7. Secure the TFP card loosely to the low-profile front oanel with the Phillip's #1 screw.
8. Secure the 15 pin D-sub connector to the front panel with its two standoff screws.
9. Secure the 15 pin D-sub connector to the front panel with its two retaining lock washers and
10. Tighten the GPS RF connector front panel retaining nut.
11. Tighten the Phillip's #1 screw connecting the TFP card directly to the front panel.
Antenna Location and Installation (bc637PCI-V2 and bc637PCIe)
When selecting a site for the antenna, find an outdoor location that provides full 360-degree visibility
of the horizon. In most cases, this means locating the antenna as high as possible. Any obstruction
will degrade unit performance by blocking satellite signals. Blocked signals can significantly increase
the time for satellite acquisition, or prevent acquisition all together.
The installation instructions are divided into “Quick Initial Setup” and “Permanent Installation” sec-
tions. This is designed to firstly get the GPS unit up and running as quickly as possible, and secondly
to verify its operation and to become familiar with the equipment, We recommend that new users fol-
low the “Quick Initial Setup” instructions first before proceeding to a permanent installation.
Quick Initial Setup
Connect the antenna cable to the unit and to the antenna. Simply run the antenna outside the building
or set it on a window sill. Depending on the lead content or coating on the glass, it may be necessary
to go outside. Turn on the unit and verify its operation.
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