3.4. Library definitions
Input Parameter
CHAR flag = -1, 0, 1
-1 = Deletion of 1 second 0 = Disable
1 = Insertion of 1 second
ULONG levent = Unix time since January, 1st 1970
RC_OK On Success
RC_ERROR On Failure
Description: This command can be used in modes other than GPS mode for inserting or deletion of
one leap second.
Note: This command is not required when the TFP is in GPS mode since the TFP automatically han-
dles Leap seconds insertion or deletion.
int bcAdjustClock (LONG clkvalue);
Input Parameter
LONG clkvalue = 0x80000000 to 0x7FFFFFFF
RC_OK On Success
RC_ERROR On Failure
Description: This command advances or retards the TFP internal clock. The TFP can adjust its clock
up to 100 milliseconds per each second. Each count is equal to 10 microseconds.
Note: This command is not required for standard operation of the device. Be sure to understand the
effects of this operation before utilizing this command.
int bcSpecialBoot (INT sp_boot);
Input Parameter
INT sp_boot;
Note: The following are defined in the
"Bc637pci.h" header file; #define NORMAL _
BOOT 0x0000
#define SPECIAL _BOOT 0x0 100
RC_OK On Success
RC_ERROR On Failure
Description: The Special Boot is no longer supported in the V2 hardware. This function is provided for
backwards compatibility. For the V1 hardware, in Special Boot Configuration, the TFP ignores addi-
tional resets after power-on.
Note: This command is not required for standard operation of the device. Be sure to understand the
effects of this operation before utilizing this command.
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