2.2. bc637PCIcfg.exe Windows Application Program
2.2. bc637PCIcfg.exe Windows Application Program
2.2.1. General
In addition to the configuration program (bc635PCIcfg.exe), and the System Clock Utility (Tray-
Time.exe), the TFP includes a GPS configuration program (bc637PCIcfg.exe). When installing the
SW from the supplied CD, as described in "1.2.5. Installation Under Windows " on page 14, the
installer will create a folder in 'program files' titled 'bc637PCI configuration Software' containing
bc635PCIcfg.exe, bc637PCIcfg.exe, TrayTime.exe, and bc635pciReadEventexe. The
bc635PCIcfg.exe and bc637PCIcfg.exe clock icons are copied to the system desktop.
The bc637PCIcfg.exe program allows the user to access the TFP and demonstrates the boards GPS
functionality. This program is designed to operate under Microsoft Windows XP/Vista. This utility
may be used to query current settings, modify settings, and retrieve or monitor data generated by the
card and/or the GPS receiver. This program requires that the runtime driver be available in order to
operate. The background window of the program provides current time, as well as information regard-
ing the clock status and clock reference source type. A full menu system (described in the following
paragraphs) has been designed to provide access to the card and the GPS receiver. Each associated
pull-down menu provides a logical grouping of commands.
2.2.2. Quickstart Guide to Operating bc637PCIcfg.exe
1. Verify that the antenna is connected to the SMB connector on the rear of the card.
2. Click on the bc637PCIcfg.exe desktop icon to execute the program. The card will start counting
using the RTC value, until lock is achieved. The TFP unit is locked to GPS, and decoding UTC
time when the tracking LED, indicated by the letter “T” in the GUI shown in Figure 2-13, is green.
Figure 2-13: bc637 Menus
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