5.1. Introduction
5. Solaris SDK
5.1. Introduction
5.1.1. General
The Solaris bc63xPCI-V2 / PCIe Driver Kit provides a device driver and a sample program useful in
the development of applications which access features of the bc635PCI-V2, bc637PCI-V2,
bc635PCIe, and bc637PCIe Time and Frequency Processor. This kit is designed to provide an inter-
face between the PCI/PCIe TFP and applications developed for Solaris 8, 9, and 10 on SPARC and
x86_64 Platforms. The driver and sample program source code are provided to give a better under-
standing of the kit features and benefits.
5.1.2. Features
The main features of the Driver Kit include:
The device driver and example program with source
This section of the User's Guide providing library definitions
5.1.3. Overview
The Driver Development Kit provides an interface to the bc635PCI-V2, bc637PCI-V2, bc635PCIe,
and bc637PCIe Time and Frequency Processor in the 64 bit environments of Solaris 8, 9, and 10.
The example program provides sample code shows examples of converting many of the ASCII for-
mat data objects, passed to and from the device into a binary format suitable for operation and con-
version. The example program was developed using discrete functions for each operation, which
allows the developer to copy any useful code and use it in their own applications.
This release supports both the SPARC and x64_64 platforms. You need to use the platform specific
tar file for installation.
5.2. Installation
5.2.1. Hardware Installation
Installation of boards is quite a bit simpler than in most bus architectures due to two factors:
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