Fig. 1
2) Fill the fuel reservoir with ethanol fuel through the top opening
(fill hole) using the funnel. See Fig 2.
wArNiNg – do NoT ExcEEd mAximum FuEL
cApAciTy - 800 mL.
Fig. 2
3) Push the burner holder & burner into fireplace until the burner
holder is completely inserted. then, pull the safety shutoff lever
down to “ON” position. See Fig 3.
Fig. 3
4) Light the ethanol using lighter through the hole on front glass.
See Fig. 4.
Fig. 4
5) The flame will ignite slowly and grow to full size in 5 to 10
minutes. The flame intensity control knob can be turned
clockwise to the maximum position to allow the flame to glow.
See Fig. 5.
When the flame glows to full size, you can adjust the flame by
turning the flame intensity control knob clockwise to maximum or
counter-clockwise to minimum.
Fig. 5
cAuTioN - iN cAsE oF ANy EmErgENcy, FirE
HAzArd or ovErHEATiNg, THE sAFETy sHuT oFF
LEvEr sErvEs As A sAFETy dEvicE To ExTiNguisH