Valve Control Module
User’s Manual
9. Cap any unused cable glands using the caps and O-rings provided to maintain IP rating.
10. Remove the cable gland nut using a 8 mm wrench. Slide an O-ring onto the cable gland body until it is
seated at the base of the threads.
11. Thread on a cap and tighten to 1.00 in. · lb (0.11 N · m) using a 10 mm wrench.
Notice: The VCM must be disconnected from the system while performing setup functions
Electronic Data Sheet (EDS)
1. Download the electronic data sheet (EDS) file from
www swagelok com
Note: Altering the EDS in any way voids the product warranty.
2. Open your network configuration tool, such as RSNetWorx™ for DeviceNet.
3. Register the EDS using the network configuration tool.
4. Connect the VCM to the network.
5. Scan the network for the VCM, and click on the device.
6. Use the network configuration tool to set the fields.
Fig 12 Cap and O-ring Assembly