Chapter 8 Product overview
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Chapter 8 Product overview
8.1. Introduction
The ultrasonic flowmeter is a state-of-the-art universal transit-time flowmeter
designed using FPGA chip and low voltage broadband pulse
transmission.,available for measuring water.
8.2. Features
Comparing With other traditional flowmeter or ultrasonic flowmeter,it has
distinctive features such as high precision, high reliability, high capability and low
cost, the flowmeter features other advantages:
1. SLSI technology designed. Less hardware components, low voltage
broadband pulse transmission, low consumption power, high reliability, anti-
jamming and outstanding applicability.
2. User-friendly menu designed. Parameters of pipe range, pipe material,
pipe wall thickness, output signals, etc can be conveniently entered via
the windows. British and Metric measurement units are available.
3. Daily, monthly and yearly totalized flow: Totalized flow for the last 64 days and
months as well as for the last 5 years are may be viewed. Power on/off
function: allows the viewing of time and flow rate as power is switched on and
off 64 times. Also, the flowmeter has manual or automatic amendment during
offline sessions.
4. Parallel operation of positive, negative and net flow totalizes with scale factor
(span) and 7 digit display, while the output of totalize pulse and frequency
output are transmitted via open collector.