Temperature recorder and printer
Sensor Calibration / Temperature Channel .......................... 19
Renaming Channels for Sensor Identification ....................... 20
Alarm Settings .................................................................. 20
Setting Alarm Limits to Sensor ..................................... 21
Setting up Additional Alarm Events ............................... 22
Setting up SMS Alerts and Communication Failure ......... 23
Setting Printing Time and Daily Min/Max Reset .................... 24
Setting Temperature Scale and Date Format ....................... 24
0Setting the Time and Date ............................................... 24
Changing the Password ..................................................... 25
Renaming the Device for Identification ............................... 25
Changing the Sampling Rate .............................................. 26
Overwriting Old Data of External Memory ........................... 26
Changing the Data Server (Portal) Address ......................... 27
.............................. 28
Creating an Account and Registering on the Portal ............... 28
Settings, Viewing Reports and Exporting Data in the Portal ... 29
Settings Screen for On-Line Device .............. 30
....................................... 34
Appendix A Default Settings .................................... 35
Appendix B
Technical Specifications ........................ 37
Appendix C
Accessories ............................................ 39
Appendix D
Operating Menu ..................................... 40