Temperature recorder and printer
contact; P - power supply voltage to the device; X - unmeasured channel. The channel
number is the physical entrance that the sensor is connected to, from left to right (for an
integrated temperature and humidity sensor, both will have the same number). The
temperature units are displayed according to the scale selected (Celsius or Fahrenheit), or
other markings for
sensors for low voltage or current. When a channel exceeds the
alarm threshold settings and delay time, the measured value will flash and a red ALARM LED
will lit over the display. If a sensor is flawed, not connected, or does not match the channel
settings, the value ERROR will be displayed. Examples:
T1: 130.0C T2: -39.9C
(the degrees in Celsius/ Fahrenheit)
Relative humidity:
H1: 0.1% H2: 99.9%
(marked with the letter H and the units in %)
Channel set to be (electric) contact in an open/closed position:
Channel set to be without a sensor will show:
X4: NoSens
Faulty/not connected/not set up correctly:
For the print menu, press
or by scrolling
Print submenu
and press
to confirm.
Select one of the 5 printing options below by pressing
to Print the chosen report.
Print, Real-time printing
continuous real-time printing
Print, Delivery ticket
printing a 4-channel report of current reading.
Print, 4ch 300 records
printing a 4-channel report of 300 readings.
Print, Spec & programming
printing a report of all the settings in the device.
Print, Daily min & max
printing a min/max report (since the last reset).
accessing the print menu does not require a password.
Automatic Continuous Real-Time Printing
Print, Real-time printing
automatic, continuous printing in real time of each
sampling in a line according to the sampling rate. For
see page 26. The automatic printing style can be selected from 4 styles by scrolling
, as follows
without automatic printing (a report may be printing manually)
4 Ch Table
a continuous report, 4 channels per line, in a table format
1 Ch Table
a continuous report, 1 channel, date and time on each line.
1 Ch graph
a continuous report, 1 channel, graphic, and alarm limits
1 Ch large font
a continuous report, 1 channel, in large print/font.
To confirm, press
For a 1-channel report, select from channels 1-4 by scrolling
and press
for confirmation. The selection will be saved, and the prompt
Please wait.
Saving settings
will be displayed, then
Settings saved
will be displayed and printed,
followed by the measurement screen.
automatic printing
is selected, the report will be printed line by line at the sampling rate.
The menu options that are not selected are shown with * at the end of the line.
When printing a report, the prompt
will be displayed. At the end of the
printing, the normal display will be returned.