Removing the evacuated glass tubes from the Collector frame
Note the groove on the
front face which is
located into the frame
Push the rear of the evacuated glass
tube retainer upwards
Gently pull the retainer
off the evacuated glass tube
Place the evacuated glass tube retainer to one side
and gently pull the evacuated glass tube out of the
Manifold and over the copper U-Tube.
The evacuated glass tube will slide out of the manifold with the rubber
grommet, When sliding the evacuated glass tube from the manifold
and over the copper U-tube, ensure it is kept in-line with the aluminium
U-Tube copper pipe retainers, so nothing is damaged.
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12. Instructions for assembling and fitting the Solar Collectors (cont)
• The top rail is hung the same way with 1575mm from the top edge of the top rail to the top edge of the bottom rail (See C above).
• With all the evacuated glass tubes
from the collectors, take the collectors to the roof.
•The collector’s must then be mounted to the frame using the spring clamps, bolts, nuts and washers. Push spring into slot and twist (F)
• Note there are left-hand and right-hand brackets supplied. Thinnest edge is always to the outside of the frame
• Position the first collector bracket 20mm from the edge of the bottom rail. Clamp bracket into bottom rail. Bolt collector to bracket.
• Position 2
collector next to the 1
collector and use the coupling to join the tops of the two collectors together. Tighten coupling.
Square and line up both collectors. (Use a full size bracket and a reduced size bracket between each collector as in E below).
Clamp and tighten all brackets to secure 1
and 2
collector. A third collector (if supplied) is mounted the same way as the 2
collector (but next to the 2
•Take the evacuated glass tubes to the roof and insert all evacuated glass tubes into the solar collector frames (D)
• The solar collectors are mounted on a Roof Frame which must be installed using the 2 x lengths of galvanised steel (The Frame),
4 x stainless steel straps and screws supplied.
• 4 x ‘L’ shaped brackets attach each collector to the Roof Frame (2 galvanised steel bars)
• The bottom rail of the Roof Frame is then taken to the roof and placed in its lower position. (Hang as A and B below).
The stainless steel straps must be positioned along the frame (two at the top and two at the bottom to line up with the roof rafters
under the roof tiles on which to secure the Frame (assuming a tiled roof). On each stainless steel strap, screw one screw into the
galvanised steel frame and the other 2 x screws into a roof rafter. Repeat for each stainless steel strap (see over page for details)
Thin edge
to outside
Top Rail
Cut down bracket