Yingli Solar PV Modules, Installation and User Manual / page 1
This manual applies to photovoltaic modules
(“PV modules”, also commonly known as
solar panels) manufactured by Yingli Green Energy
Holding Co., Ltd. (“Yingli Solar”), and is explicitly
written for qualified professionals (“Installer” or
“Installers”), including without limitation licensed
electricians and NABCEP-Certified PV Installers.
Thank you for choosing Yingli Solar as your PV module provider. We
appreciate your business! This manual contains important information
pertaining to the electrical and mechanical installation and maintenance
of PV Modules, and contains safety information that you must read
carefully and be familiar with before handling, installing, and/or
maintaining Yingli Solar PV modules.
Yingli Solar does not assume responsibility and expressly disclaims
liability for losses, damages, or expenses arising out of, or in any way
connected with this Installation and User Manual. Yingli Solar assumes
no responsibility for any infringement of patents or other rights of third
parties, which may result from using Yingli Solar PV modules. No license
is granted expressly or by implication or under any patent or patent
rights. The information in this manual is believed to be reliable, but does
not constitute an expressed or implied warranty. Yingli Solar reserves
the right to make changes to its PV modules and other products, their
specifications, or this manual without prior notice.
Yingli Solar and its subsidiaries are not liable for any damages caused
by inappropriate installation, use, or maintenance of Yingli Solar PV
modules, including without limitation damages, losses, and expenses
caused by non-observance of the instructions of this manual or caused
by or in connection with products of other manufacturers.
This manual refers to UL certified products and conforms to UL standard
1703: Flat Plate Photovoltaic Modules and Panels. For PV module
installations to be performed in Canada, the installation shall be in
accordance with CSA C22.1, Safety Standard for Electrical Installations,
Canadian Electrical Code, Part 1.
This Installation and User Manual is available in different languages. In
cases of discrepancy between versions, the English language version
shall control.
Failure to comply with the requirements listed in this manual will
invalidate the Limited Warranty for PV Modules as provided by
Yingli Solar at the time of sale to the direct customer. Additional
recommendations are provided to enhance safety practices and
performance results. Please provide a copy of this manual to the PV
system owner for their reference, and inform them of all relevant aspects
of safety, operation, and maintenance.
You must understand and follow all applicable local, state, and federal
regulations and standards for building construction, electrical design,
fire, and safety, and must check with local authorities to determine
applicable permitting requirements before attempting to install or
maintain PV modules.
Rooftop PV systems should only be installed on
dwellings that have been formally analyzed for
structural integrity, and confirmed to be capable of
handling the additional weighted load of PV system
components, including PV modules, by a certified
building specialist or engineer.
For your safety, do not attempt to work on a rooftop until safety
precautions have been identified and taken, including without limitation
fall protection measures, ladders or stairways, and personal protective
equipment (PPE).
For your safety, do not install or handle PV modules under adverse
conditions, including without limitation strong or gusty winds, and wet or
frosted roof surfaces.
The flat-plate PV module construction consists of a laminated assembly
of solar cells encapsulated within an insulating material with a rigid glass
surface and an insulated substrate. The laminated assembly is supported
by an aluminum frame that is also used for mounting the module. See
Figure 1 for an illustration of the PV module components.
Figure 1: Module components and cross-section of the laminated assembly
PV modules can produce current and voltage when
exposed to light of any intensity. Electrical current
increases with higher light intensity. DC voltage of
30 Volts or higher is potentially lethal. Contacting the
live circuitry of a PV system operating under light can
result in lethal electric shock.
Junction Box
Aluminum Frame
2. Glass
3. Encapsulating EVA
4. PV Cell
5. Backsheet
Y I N G L I S O L A R . C O M
Yingli Americas
Installation and User Manual
Revision Date March 1, 2012 | Applicable for products in the United States and Canada.