2.Push the spray wand:Align the bayonet when installing,
push the spray wand down far enough into the trigger
gun and turn it to lock it into position (Clockwise).When
disassembling, push the spray wand down far enough into
t h e t r i g g e r g u n a n d t u r n i t t h e n p u l l i t o u t
(Counterclockwise) (Fig.2).
3.Connect nozzle to the spray wand:The nozzle (black
foam nozzle) has been connected to the spray wand,
Remove the nozzle by placing your hand over the nozzle
while pulling back on the Quick-Connect collar. Then
select the nozzle you need, pull back on the
Quick-Connect collar, snap the desired nozzle onto the
Quick-Connect collar until it clicks into place, and push
up the Quick-Connect collar to complete the
installation (Fig.3).
Spray wand
Quick-Connect collar