Sun StorEdge S1 Array DC Version
Figure 8 shows the back of the DC version of the Sun StorEdge S1 array chassis. Note that there are two
DC connectors. DC connectors are available as an X−option and come in sets of 10. Two connectors are
typically needed per Sun StorEdge S1 array. These connectors can be used for other DC−powered
products in the Netra product family of servers, storage, and peripherals.
Figure 8. Rear of DC Unit
Figure 9 shows a DC connector and the placement of the input power cables. For more information about
setting up the DC connectors, refer to the DC Connector Product Notes.
Customers need to ensure that there is sufficient power to run the added servers, storage, and
Figure 9. DC input power cables
Sun StorEdge S1 Array
Just the Facts 9/27/01