TFG6800 Series Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator Users’ Guide
Suin Instruments Co., Ltd
soft key, set the coordinates of the copy point to 650, and the crossing point of the
white cursor is the position to be copied and ahead of the Sinc.
soft key. The selected waveform block will be copied to the specified location and
covers the original Sinc behind of copy point. The block copy operation is to cover the selected
waveform block to the specified location as below shown.
Mirroring: The operating sequence of the waveform block is always from X1 to X2 in the ‘block
insert’ and ‘block copy’ operations. The waveform blocks are inserted or copied
from left to right if X2 is greater than X1. The waveform block is inserted or copied from right to
left if X2 is less than X1, that’s to say insert or copy the reversal mirror of waveform block.
Switch the coordinates of X1 and X2 to each other to make X2 is less than X1.
soft key to set the starting point of the waveform block to 300, and the crossing point
of the green cursor is the starting point of the waveform block.
soft key to set the stop point of the waveform block to 150, and the crossing point of
the red cursor is the end point of the waveform block.
soft key and the reversal mirror of waveform block will copied to specified
position as below picture shown: