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#7040743 - Revision A - September, 2016
Component Removal
Built-In Wine Storage (BW) Series
Built-In Wine Storage (BW) Series
Figure 5-34. Condenser Fan Motor Removal
Condenser Fan Motor
The condenser fan is mounted to the condenser fan
shroud with three fan mounting brackets that hook into
grommets that are in the condenser fan shroud. At the
back of the motor, screws pass through these brackets
into the back of the fan motor. The condenser fan
blade is pressed onto the fan motor shaft.
To remove the condenser fan motor, first pull the con-
denser fan shroud assembly from the compressor area,
then (See Figure 5-34):
Extract screws securing motor to brackets.
The brackets unhook from the grommets in
the shroud after the screws are removed.
To remove fan blade from fan motor, pull the fan
blade from the motor shaft.
Power Cord Cover
The power cord cover is located behind the grille on the
right side of the unit. There is a connection on the rear
side of the power cord cover for the unit power cord
and for a dual installation kit.
To remove the power cord cover, first raise the grille,
then (See Figure 5-35):
Disconnect the power cord, and the wire harness
for the dual installation kit if installed.
Extract the screws from the power cord cover.
Disconnect the harnesses from the interior of the
power cord cover.
Remove the power cord cover.
Figure 5-35. Power Cord Cover