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#7040743 - Revision A - September, 2016
Electronic Control System
Built-In Wine Storage (BW) Series
Built-In Wine Storage (BW) Series
Sabbath Mode
Sabbath Mode was incorporated into the electronic control system for observance of certain religious days. When
Sabbath Mode is initiated the lighting system along with the control panel LED displays and indicators are disabled.
To initiate Sabbath Mode, the unit must first be switched OFF using the POWER key (See Figure 2-13), then press
and hold the POWER key for 10 seconds, until the lights switch OFF and two beeps are emitted by the alarm (See
Figure 2-14). To return to normal operation, press and release the POWER key.
During Sabbath Mode, the evaporator fans will function when the door is open.
During Sabbath Mode, set-points cannot be adjusted.
Figure 2-13. Switch Unit OFF First
Figure 2-14. Initiate Sabbath Mode - Press and Hold POWER Key for 10 Seconds
Hold for 10 Seconds
Showroom Mode
Showroom Mode was incorporated into the electronic control system so the appliance could be displayed in a show-
room setting. When in Showroom Mode, all cooling functions are disabled, but the lighting system remains active.
To initiate Showroom Mode, begin by switching the unit OFF using the POWER key (See Figure 2-11). Then press
and hold the upper compartment WARMER and COLDER keys, and the POWER key, then release the keys (See
Figure 2-12). The unit is is now in Showroom Mode. This can be verified by checking for evaporator fan operation,
and/or compressor operation. To return the unit to normal operation, repeat the steps above.
Always check set-points after returning unit to normal operation.
Figure 2-11. Switch Unit OFF First
Figure 2-12. Initiate Showroom Mode - Press Upper COLDER, WARMER and POWER Keys