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#7040743 - Revision A - September, 2016
Electronic Control System
Built-In Wine Storage (BW) Series
Built-In Wine Storage (BW) Series
Temperature Log Recall Mode
The electronic control system is equipped with a temperature history data storage system. This system logs/stores
the average temperature of both zone/compartment thermistors every four hours, along with any event alerts
(explained later in this section), that may have occurred. These four-hour periods are referred to as
to 64 indexes can be stored for each thermistor, making it possible to observe the preceding ten days and sixteen
hours of the unit’s zone temperature history
(each index equals 4 hour temperature average: 4 hours X 64 indexes =
10 days, 16 hours).
After 64 indexes are stored, each new index will bump the oldest index. Index number “1”
being the most recent four-hour temperature average and index number “64” being the oldest. Accessing this tem-
perature history data so it can be viewed on the display is accomplished by initiating Temperature Log Recall Mode.
With the unit ON, initiate Temperature Log Recall Mode by pressing and holding the desired compartment WARMER
key, then press the POWER key, then release both keys (See Figure 2-35). The left display window will show aver-
age compartment thermistor temperature for that zone rounded off to the nearest even number; in the right display
window will be the index number, and the appropriate compartment indicator arrow will be illuminated. The first
index number will be “1”, indicating the most recent four-hour temperature average.
To toggle up through the indexes (from 1 to 64), press the same WARMER key in multiple key strokes (See Figure
2-36). To toggle down through the indexes (from 64 to 1), press the corresponding COLDER key in multiple key
strokes (See Figure 2-37).
Figure 2-35. Initiating Temperature Recall Mode - Press WARMER Key and POWER Key
(First Reading is Latest Average Temperature with Index #1 Displayed)
Figure 2-36. Toggle UP Through Indexes - Press WARMER Key in Multiple Key Strokes
Figure 2-37. Toggle DOWN Through Indexes - Press COLDER Key in Multiple Key Strokes