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#7040743 - Revision A - September, 2016
Sealed System Information
Built-In Wine Storage (BW) Series
Built-In Wine Storage (BW) Series
The sealed system contains HFC-134a refrigerant. This section gives some general rules for working with 134a,
and explains procedures to be followed while servicing the sealed system.
134a refrigerant requires synthetic Ester oil in the compressor, and does not tolerate contamination from
other refrigerants, moisture, petroleum-based lubricants, silicone lubricants, cleaning compounds, rust
inhibitors, leak detection dyes, or any other type of additive.
General Rules for Working with 134a Refrigerant
Use equipment dedicated to 134a sealed system service only.
Use only 134a refrigerant for back-flushing and sweep charging.
Always replace the filter-drier when servicing the sealed system.
The filter-drier must be cut from the sealed system. Never un-braze the drier as the heat will drive moisture
back into the sealed system.
Do not leave sealed system nor replacement compressor open to the atmosphere for more than 10 minutes.
When the rubber plugs are pulled from the service compressor, a release of pressure should be heard. If no
release of pressure is heard, do not use the compressor.
Use ONLY virgin 134a refrigerant when recharging the sealed system.